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FSPS Elementary Literacy Curriculum Maps and Resources 2015-2016

Page history last edited by tgilmore@... 7 years, 9 months ago



                      ALL FSPS Elementary Literacy Curriculum Maps and Resources for 2016-2017 are located on the  Elementary Literacy Moodle



Reference the FSPS Elementary Literacy Curriculum Resources Moodle page for additional resources, standards and ACT Aspire resources. 


Procedures how to get to Moodle

Literacy Moodle Instructions for Curriculum Resources 2016-2017.docx




ARCHIVE FSPS Elementary Literacy Curriculum Maps and Resources 2015-2016


FSPS Literacy Protocols for 2015-2016

These documents were created in previous years.  FSPS district will remain using these documents for 2015-2016. 

K-2 FSPS Protocol 2012-2013 DRAFT.pub

3rd-6th FSPS Protocol 2012-2013 DRAFT.pub

FSPS Updated Text Stretch Band Chart 2013-2014.pdf



Literacy Small Group Resources for 2015-2016

These documents were created in previous years.  FSPS district will remain using these documents for 2015-2016. 

FSPS Benchmark For Independent Reading Levels 2013-2014.docx 

Stages of Reading Development.pdf

Teaching Points for Reading Levels 2013-2014.pdf



CCSS Resources for K-6 

Common Core Literacy Standards in Vertical Alignment.pdf




District & TLI Assessment Calendars

FY 2016 GR- K-6 FSPS Assesment Calendar.pdf   

Kindergarten District Assessment Windows 2015-2016.pdf

Grade 1 FSPS TLI Assessment Windows 2015-2016.pdf

Grade 2 FSPS TLI Assessment Windows 2015-2016.pdf

Grades 3-6 FSPS TLI Assessment Windows 2015-2016.pdf  



UNPACKING ELA Common Core State Standards 

The Arkansas Literacy Learning Progressions website is a resource which can help support the planning and delivery of literacy instruction that is based on and consistent with the ELA Common Core State Standards. Using this website, you can navigate through the Common Core State Standards in Literacy, searching and planning by strand, standard, and/or grade level. The website can also help you to identify the grade-level where your students are currently functioning in a specific area of literacy. You can also find what they should know, understand, and be able to do to show grade-level proficiency for each of the Common Core State Standards.


Link to Arkansas Literacy Learning Progressions http://literacylearningprogressions.org/




Kindergarten Curriculum Maps and Resources for 2015-2016

Curriculum Maps & Year at a Glance 2015-2016

Literacy Kindergarten Year at a Glance and Map.pdf

Kindergarten Year at a Glance 2015-2016.doc

Kindergarten, Literacy Quarter 1 2015-2016.doc

Kindergarten, Quarter 2 2015-2016.doc

Kindergarten, Quarter 3 2015-2016.doc

Kindergarten, Quarter 4 2015-2016.doc

Curriculum Map K-2 Correlation for Resources 2012-2013 DRAFT.docx


Literacy CCSS Resources 

These documents were created in previous years.  FSPS district will remain using these documents for 2015-2016.  

FSPS Elementary Literacy Curriculum Guide 2013-2014.pdf  

Kindergarten Unpacking 2012-2013 DRAFT.pdf  

Deskchart K.pdf

Ongoing CCSS - Kindergarten.pdf

FSPS Vocabulary Instruction Guidelines 2013-2014.pdf


Sight Word Resources

These documents were created in previous years.  FSPS district will remain using these documents for 2015-2016.   

Kindergarten Sight Word Leveled List.doc

Kindergarten Sight Word List Assessment Checklist.doc

FSPS Kindergarten Sight Words by Quarter 2013-2014.docx



Grammar Concepts - Vertical Alignment[1].doc



Writing Criteria A- Narrative Personal K.pdf

Writing Criteria B- Narrative Fictional K.pdf

Writing Criteria C- Informational Writing - Inform K.pdf

Writing Criteria D- Informational Writing - Instruct K.pdf

Writing Criteria E-Opinion K.pdf


Research Resources

FSPS Writing Research Connections Grade K.pdf



First Grade Curriculum Maps and Resources for 2015-2016

Curriculum Maps & Year at a Glance 2015-2016 

Literacy 1st Grade Year at a Glance and Map.pdf

1st Grade Year at a Glance 2015-2016.doc

1st Grade, Literacy Quarter 1 2015-2016.doc

Grade 1, Literacy Quarter 2 2015-2016.doc

Grade 1, Literacy Quarter 3 2015-2016.doc

Grade 1, Literacy Quarter 4 2015-2016.doc

Curriculum Map K-2 Correlation for Resources 2012-2013 DRAFT.docx


Literacy CCSS Resources 

These documents were created in previous years.  FSPS district will remain using these documents for 2015-2016. 

FSPS Elementary Literacy Curriculum Guide 2013-2014.pdf

1st Grade Unpacking 2012-2013 DRAFT.pdf

Deskchart 1st.pdf

Ongoing CCSS Grade 1.pdf

FSPS Vocabulary Instruction Guidelines 2013-2014.pdf


Sight Word Resources

First Grade Sight Word Leveled List.doc

First Grade Sight Word List Assessment Checklist.doc



Grammar Concepts - Vertical Alignment[1].doc



Writing Criteria A- Narrative Personal Grade 1.pdf

Writing Criteria B- Narrative Fictional Grade 1.pdf

Writing Criteria C- Informational Writing - Inform 1.pdf

Writing Criteria D- Informational Writing - Instruct 1.pdf

Writing Criteria E-Opinion Grade 1.pdf   


Research Resources

FSPS Writing Research Connections Grade 1.pdf


Second Grade Curriculum Maps and Resources for 2015-2016

Curriculum Maps & Year at a Glance 2015-2016

Literacy 2nd Grade Year at a Glance and Map.pdf

2nd Grade Year at a Glance 2015-2016.doc

2nd grade, Literacy Quarter 1 2015-2016.doc 

2nd Grade, Literacy Quarter 2 2015-2016.doc

2nd Grade, Literacy Quarter 3 2015-2016.doc

2nd Grade, Literacy Quarter 4 2015-2016.doc

Curriculum Map K-2 Correlation for Resources 2012-2013 DRAFT.docx


Literacy CCSS Resources 

These documents were created in previous years.  FSPS district will remain using these documents for 2015-2016.   

FSPS Elementary Literacy Curriculum Guide 2013-2014.pdf

2nd Grade Unpacking 2012-2013 DRAFT.pdf

Deskchart 2nd.pdf

Ongoing CCSS - 2nd grade.pdf

FSPS Vocabulary Instruction Guidelines 2013-2014.pdf


Sight Word Resources

Second Grade Sight Word Leveled List.doc

Second Grade Sight Word List Assessment Checklist.doc



Grammar Concepts - Vertical Alignment[1].doc



Writing Criteria A- Narrative Personal (1) Grade 2.pdf

Writing Criteria B- Narrative Fictional (1)Grade 2.pdf

Writing Criteria C- Informational Writing - Inform 2.pdf

Writing Criteria D- Informational Writing - Instruct 2.pdf

Writing Criteria E-Opinion Grade 2.pdf 


Research Resources

FSPS Writing Research Connections Grade 2.pdf



Third Grade Curriculum Maps and Resources for 2015-2016

Curriculum Maps & Year at at Glance 2015-2016

Literacy 3rd Grade Year at a Glance and Map.pdf

3rd Grade Year at a Glance 2015-2016.docx

3rd Grade, CM Module 1 2015-2016.doc

3rd Grade, CM Module 2 2015-2016.doc

3rd Grade, CM Module 3 2015-2016.doc

3rd Grade, CM Module 4 2015-2016.doc 

3rd Grade, CM Module 5 2015-2016.doc

3rd Grade, CM Module 6 2015-2016.doc 

Literacy Curriculum Map 3-6 Correlation for Resources 2013-2014.doc



Literacy CCSS Resources 

These documents were created in previous years.  FSPS district will remain using these documents for 2015-2016. 

FSPS Elementary Literacy Curriculum Guide 2013-2014.pdf

3rd Grade Unpacking 2012-2013 DRAFT.pdf

Deskchart 3rd.pdf

Ongoing CCSS - 3rd grade.pdf

FSPS Vocabulary Instruction Guidelines 2013-2014.pdf



Grammar Concepts - Vertical Alignment[1].doc



Writing Criteria A- Narrative Personal (1) Grade 3.pdf

Writing Criteria B- Narrative Fictional (1)Grade 3.pdf

Writing Criteria C- Informational Writing - Inform 3.pdf

Writing Criteria D- Informational Writing - Instruct 3.pdf

Writing Criteria E-Opinion Grade 3.pdf



Research Resources

FSPS Writing Research Connections Grade 3.pdf 


Fourth Grade Curriculum Maps and Resources for 2015-2016

Curriculum Maps & Year at a Glance 2015-2016

Literacy 4th Grade Year at a Glance and Map.pdf

4th Grade Year at a Glance 2015-2016.docx

4th Grade, CM Module 1 2015-2016.doc

4th Grade, CM Module 2 2015-2016.doc

4th Grade, CM Module 3 2015-2016.doc

4th Grade, CM Module 4 2015-2016.doc

4th Grade, CM Module 5 2015-2016.doc

4th Grade, CM Module 6 2015-2016.docx

Curriculum Map Correlation 3-6 for Resources 2012-2013 DRAFT.docx


Literacy CCSS Resources 

These documents were created in previous years.  FSPS district will remain using these documents for 2015-2016.   

FSPS Elementary Literacy Curriculum Guide 2013-2014.pdf  

4th Grade Unpacking 2012-2013 DRAFT.pdf  

Deskchart 4th.pdf

Ongoing CCSS - 4th grade.pdf

FSPS Vocabulary Instruction Guidelines 2013-2014.pdf



Grammar Concepts - Vertical Alignment[1].doc



Writing Criteria A- Narrative Personal Grade 4.pdf

Writing Criteria B- Narrative Fictional Grade 4.pdf

Writing Criteria C- Informational Writing - Inform 4.pdf

Writing Criteria D- Informational Writing - Instruct 4.pdf

Writing Criteria E-Opinion Grade 4.pdf  


Research Resources

FSPS Writing Research Connections Grade 4.pdf


Fifth Grade Curriculum Maps and Resources for 2015-2016

Curriculum Maps & Year at a Glance 2015-2016

Literacy 5th Grade Year at a Glance and Map.pdf

5th Grade Year at a Glance 2015-2016.docx

5th Grade, CM Module 1 2015-2016.doc

5th Grade, CM Module 2 2015-2016.docx

5th Grade, CM Module 3 2015-2016.doc

5th Grade, CM Module 4 2015-2016.doc

5th Grade, CM Module 5 2015-2016.doc

5th Grade, CM Module 6 2015-2016.doc

Curriculum Map Correlation 3-6 for Resources 2012-2013 DRAFT.docx


Literacy CCSS Resources 

These documents were created in previous years.  FSPS district will remain using these documents for 2015-2016.   

FSPS Elementary Literacy Curriculum Guide 2013-2014.pdf

5th Grade Unpacking 2012-2013 DRAFT.pdf

Deskchart 5th.pdf

Ongoing CCSS - 5th grade.pdf

FSPS Vocabulary Instruction Guidelines 2013-2014.pdf



Grammar Concepts - Vertical Alignment[1].doc



Writing Criteria A- Narrative Personal 5th Grade (5).pdf

Writing Criteria B- Narrative Fictional 5th Grade.pdf

Writing Criteria C- Informational Writing - Inform 5.pdf

Writing Criteria D- Informational Writing - Instruct 5.pdf

Writing Criteria E-Opinion Grade 5.pdf


Research Resources

FSPS Writing Research Connections-Grade 5 .pdf   


Sixth Grade Curriculum Maps and Resources for 2015-2016

Curriculum Maps & Year at a Glance 2015-2016

Literacy 6th Grade Year at a Glance and Map.pdf

6th Grade Year at a Glance 2015-2016.docx

6th Grade, CM Module 1 2015-2016.docx

6th Grade, CM Module 2 2015-2016.docx

6th Grade, CM Module 3 2015-2016.docx

6th Grade, CM Module 4 2015-2016.docx

6th Grade, CM Module 5 2015-2016.doc

6th Grade, CM Module 6 2015-2016.doc

Curriculum Map Correlation 3-6 for Resources 2012-2013 DRAFT.docx


Literacy CCSS Resources 

These documents were created in previous years.  FSPS district will remain using these documents for 2015-2016.   

FSPS Elementary Literacy Curriculum Guide 2013-2014.pdf

6th Grade Unpacking 2012-2013 DRAFT.pdf

Deskchart 6th.pdf

Ongoing CCSS - 6th grade.pdf

FSPS Vocabulary Instruction Guidelines 2013-2014.pdf



Grammar Concepts - Vertical Alignment[1].doc

6th Grade Grammar+Glossary.docx Ongoing CCSS - 4th grade.pdf



Writing Criteria A- Narrative Personal Grade 6.pdf

Writing Criteria B- Narrative Fictional Grade 6.pdf

Writing Criteria C- Informational Writing - Inform 6 (2).pdf

Writing Criteria D- Informational Writing - Instruct 6.pdf

Writing Criteria E-Opinion Grade 6.pdf


Research Resources

FSPS Writing Research Connections Grade 6.pdf   


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