With CCSS, literacy is to be embedded in history, social studies, science, and career technology education.
Some useful resources are listed below. Links are also given to web sources that will be useful for history and science classes.
CCSSO ContentLiteracy.pdf Excellent information on how literacy looks different in content areas. Especially useful are the instructions for specific strategies and a guide to how these strategies would look in different subjects (pages 18-76).
Reading in the Disciplines.pdf Excellent resource on the Challenges of Adolescent Literacy in content-area classes.
History Connections
History Web Sites for Teachers
IZZIT - Engaging educational videos and resources for critical thinking & thoughtful discussion
Library of Congress - Home Page
Links to Primary Sources on the Web: U.S.A. and World History
News on the Internet
New York Times Digital Library of Images
NYTimes History Lesson Plans Links 2012
Primary Source Sets - Library of Congress
Reading Like a Historian program, a set of 75 free secondary school lessons in U.S. history
Teaching with documents
Lessons divided by era. This section contains reproducible copies of primary documents from the holdings of the National Archives of the United States, teaching activities correlated to the National History Standards and National Standards for Civics and Government, and cross-curricular connections.
Twentieth Century History
Facts and resources decade by decade.
Using Primary Sources: Links + Search & Citation help
US History Websites with the Common Core
Science Connections
Science Links for Teachers
National Academy of Science
National Geographic
National Science Teachers Association
NYTimes Science & Math Lesson Plans
Middle School Science Classroom
Middle School Science Lessons
PBS Science
Popular Science
Science Spot
Statistical Data
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