
RTI: Response to Interventions

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ADE Literacy Tools and Resources


Closing the achievement gap in literacy and mathematics remains at the forefront of the CTAG initiative. The selection of effective instruction and intervention approaches to address the unique needs of individual students and student groups is critical to this effort.

In order to help districts and schools select and implement literacy instruction/ intervention strategies that will enable students struggling in area of literacy to master critical skills and concepts, the following tools and resources are available: the Literacy Intervention Matrix and the Reading Intervention RIDE.



  • Quality Instruction Checklist – Provides an overview of quality instruction. Advance to next step in the process when quality instruction is in place
  • Probes Identify a specific skill deficit or deficits. Select sample lessons which address the deficits.
  • MatrixProvides a quick overview of the components of the phonemic awareness module. Review the matrix to identify the lesson topics, related assessments, general interventions and applicable frameworks
  • Sample Lessons – Provide a format for teaching a particular skill. PA sample lessons may also be referenced for ideas to teach specific frameworks
  • References Review works cited or find other available references
  • Resources Provide additional resources such as sample protocols and/or assessment guides.
  • Modifications Checklist Offers a variety of modifications/additions for Tiers I – V.


The Literacy Intervention Matrix

Three sequential initiatives:

Smart Start for kindergarten through Grade 4

Smart Step for Grades 5 through 8

Next Step for Grades 9-12.

The Smart Start, Smart Step and Next Step initiatives consist of research-based practices complemented by the state’s Benchmark literacy frameworks. The literacy curriculum at every grade level in every school has an explicit scope and sequence of goals and objectives, complemented with specified mastery-level outcomes.


The Reading Intervention RIDE

RIDE Reading Intervention Bank

The RIDE Reading Intervention Bank provide interventions from the preprimer through high school levels  with (a) 100 literacy intervention “tactics” presented (b) in a step-by-step format with (c) implementation and evaluation protocols (as relevant), (d) descriptions of the types of students or student problems addressed by each intervention, (e) an assessment component linked to targeted interventions and (f) ways to adapt the intervention for different types of students in order to attain the best results. Approximately 25 of the tactics have video-stream examples of teachers modeling their implementation with actual students, and a data collection and progress monitoring/graphing function allows teachers to track the progress of specific students, across an entire school year if needed, both before and after the implementation of the intervention


Taken from http://www.arstudentsuccess.org/intervention-tools-and-resources/literacy/literacy-matrix/overview.html

© Copyright 2010 Arkansas State Personnel Development Grant

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