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District Literacy Plan
Each year, both the Elementary and Secondary Literacy Task Forces
work together to create a new educational plan for the district.
Elementary Literacy Plan 2015-2016.pdf
Secondary Literacy Plan 2013-2014.doc
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Elementary Literacy Curriculum and Resources 2017-2018
FSPS Elementary Literacy Curriculum Maps and Resources 2015-2016
Elementary Literacy Protocols 2012-2013 DRAFT
Elementary Literacy K Journeys Daily Schedules 2012-2013 DRAFT
Elementary Literacy 1st Grade Journeys Daily Schedules 2012-2013 DRAFT
Elementary Literacy 2nd Grade Journeys Daily Schedules 2012-2013 DRAFT
Elementary Literacy 3rd Grade Journeys Daily Schedules 2012-2013 DRAFT
Elementary Literacy 4th-6th Grade Journeys Daily Schedules 2012-2013 DRAFT
Elementary CCSS Grade-Level Teacher Collaboration Resources 2012-2013
Elementary 3rd-6th Grade Interventionist Resources 2012-2013
Teaching with the Stars
Elementary Resource Links
Secondary Curriculum Maps
Common Core Resources
Secondary Literacy Resources and Links
Secondary Vocabulary Links and Resources
Secondary Content Literacy Resources
Literary and Nonfiction Online Resources
Secondary District Reading Resources
District Rubrics
District Literacy Plans
District Literacy Personnel
Parental Involvement
RTI: Response to Interventions
TLI Testing Schedule
Arkansas Department of Education
Fort Smith Public Schools Website
The Learning Institute
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