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Literacy Websites for Primary

Page history last edited by dchapman@... 12 years ago



    Primary Websites

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Starfall is an elementary level phonetic spelling site.


ABC Teach

This site has literacy activities for students online and offline. Many are for primary and elementary students.


Between the Lions

The site contains activities as typing the missing letter, spelling and simple stories.


The Internet Public Library

This is an online public library for children.


Scholastic Activities

This site has literacy-based activities for young children. An example of an activity would be what belongs in a home? This site has other activities to explore with students that support literacy.




Great website designed by a teacher in Florida. The activities support phonetic awareness activities. Many are made with pull down menus.


A to Z Teacher Stuff

This site is teacher-created, and designed to help teachers find online resources more quickly and easily. They offer lesson plans, thematic units, teacher tips, discussion forums for teachers, downloadable teaching materials & eBooks, printable worksheets and blacklines, emergent reader books, themes, and more.



This site is a leading provider of reading material for pre-school, kindergarten and grade 1students. The program is comprised of carefully leveled guided readers, comprehensive phonic activities and a wealth of supplemental reading material.


Hubbard's Cupboard

This site contains printable books (sight word, word families, etc.).  For use mainly in the primary grades.


Carl's Corner

Many literacy activities created by former teacher Cherry Carl.


Puppy Letters

Practice letters with Clifford! 


Get Ready to Read

This site provides activities for various levels of reading development. Downloadable lessons and activity cards are available free of charge.


Literacy Center Education Network

Interactive literacy practice.


Robert Munsch's Website

A lot of interesting activities, including recording of Robert Munsch reading some of his best books.


Jan Brett's Website

Many supplemental activities can be found on Jan Brett's official site.


Story It

Many activities and resources for both teachers and students.


Arcademic Skill Builders

Educational games for students to polish language skills. (Also contains math activities.)


Think Tank

Helps students set up topics for reports.


Intel Education

Teacher resource for implementing technology into the classroom.


PBL Checklists

Create checklists for students to use during the writing process.



Create customized rubrics.


Photo Story

Create stories using this multimedia tool.


Teacher Tube


Education Oasis

Contains many resources for teachers such as graphic organizers and printables.


Education World


Toon Doo

Students can be express their creativity by making cartoons at this site.


Buddy Project


Scholastic Graphic Organizers


PBS - Misunderstood Minds


Children’s Literature

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